I had so Many great presents this Christmas I can’t stop talking about them! And showing them off, of course ;p
At work we did Secret Santa and look how lucky I got!!! Clever Santa! Cata in her ElemeNT! WEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
There is just something about buttons, isn’t there? They are simple little clever things. Not fancy. Not gadgety. Not hi-tech. They don’t care much for drama or fuss and they really don’t mind to be One in a bunch because they know, Oh they do know very well, that every single one of them is Special in some way and has something unique to add on. They are just Pure. Simple. Creative. Prettiness.
And that is my Wish for 2011.
For me and for you if you allow me to.
More button-happiness in our lives!! :)
I leave you with a few pics of buttons from my own collection. Small sample of my collection!.... Did I mention that I’m Button oBcessed!?! Oh Yah! Big time! There is drawers full up of buttons in my house!! Not enough yet though ;)
Happy New Year everybody! Lots of creativity-filled projects and much energy to make them happen!
Love, Cata xxxx
great photo of Lola skeptical above the buttons !